2019 Conference
ID Badges provided by:

Huser Integrated 

Become a Business Sponsor

Interested in becoming a sponsor member?

The Oregon School Safety Officers Association is growing and we want to continue to grow. Our efforts to promote safety to all schools across the state are showing progress. OSSOA provides quality information to district safety officials. Your company sponsorship is crucial to continuing our efforts to improve school safety for students, staff and our community members.

OSSOA is offering a sponsor opportunities to companies involved in school safety.

We have two levels available:

Platinum Sponsorship - $400 annually
  • All Gold sponsorship level benefits.
  • An opportunity to speak briefly to attendees at the Summer Workshop.
  • Table/Showcase space plus an additional free registration to the Summer Workshop.

      Gold Sponsorship - $300 annually
      • Company name and contact information posted on our website.
      • Free registration (1) to our Summer Workshop.
      • An opportunity to include information in the conference packet that each attendee gets when they arrive at the Summer Workshop.
      • An announcement, via email, to the membership about your sponsorship. You'll be able to include a brief introduction of your company and services.
      • An opportunity to submit a news or resource article on a safety related topic once a year that would be used on our website.
        OSSOA knows how much information you have to share relating to safety and we want to make sure you have the opportunity to do so.


        This year the Board wanted to add another opportunity for our business partners who are renewing their annual membership with OSSOA.

        Specialty Sponsorship

        If your business decides to sponsor one of these events, it is in addition to your Platinum Sponsorship fee. Please contact us at infoossoa@gmail.com for more information. 

        The benefits for the Specialty Sponsorship are listed below along with the price range for each.

        Keynote Speaker sponsor $2,500

        Evening Hospitality sponsor $1,200 - Brown & Brown Insurance 

        Lunch sponsor $1,000 - 

        Thursday Breakfast sponsor $800 CrisisGo

        Friday Breakfast sponsor $600 - WHA

        "Take-a-Break" (break time) sponsor $400 Kennedy Restoration

        Specialty Business Sponsors would receive:

        • Introduction in our conference brochure
        • First choice of location in the vendor booth area
        • Market your company with a LARGE-sized company logo & link on the OSSOA Home Page

          We sincerely hope this is an opportunity you will take advantage of.

          *Please note these prices are in addition to your Platinum Sponsorship Fees

          Sign up online                      Paper form

          Submit to:

          727 Center St NE #12
          Salem, OR 97301

          Questions? Contact Greg Jackson

          Oregon School Safety Officers Association
          727 Center St NE #12 Salem OR 97301  --  p: 971-599-3159  --  email

          c Copyright 2011 Oregon School Safety Officers Association
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